
How to Get Labels to Stick to Plastic: Big Tips for Success

Having trouble getting labels to adhere to plastic surfaces? You’re not alone. In today’s world, plastic is everywherefrom sturdy containers to sleek packagingand labeling these surfaces can be a challenging task. Yet, it’s a necessary task, especially for marketing professionals who want to ensure brand visibility and information retention. This article aims to provide practical solutions to the lingering question of how to get labels to stick to plastic.

Understanding the Challenge of Sticking Labels to Plastic

Plastic, by its very nature, presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to adhesion. The smooth, non-porous surface can repel labels, making it hard for them to stick. Moreover, different types of plastics possess varying levels of adhesion. This variance creates a need for tailored solutions.

Common Issues with Adhesion

Some common problems include labels falling off, edges peeling, or bubbles forming underneath the label. The causes vary, from the type of adhesive used, plastic type, and environmental factors like humidity and temperature.

Factors that Affect Label Adhesion

Type of Plastic

Understanding the type of plastic is crucial. Plastics with smooth, low energy surfaces like polyethylene and polypropylene are among the hardest to label. Their low energy surfaces provide limited areas for the adhesive to latch onto.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity significantly impact label adhesion. High temperatures can weaken the adhesive, while humidity can introduce moisture between the label and the surface.

Adhesive Type

Not all adhesives are created equal. Specialized adhesives designed for plastic surfaces often yield the best results. Learning how to select the right adhesive is key to success.

Steps to Ensure Labels Stick to Plastic

Choosing the Right Adhesive

Invest in pressure-sensitive adhesives or other specialized adhesives designed for plastics. These adhesives are formulated to bond effectively with low-energy surfaces.

Surface Preparation

Thoroughly clean and dry the plastic surface before applying labels. Dust, oils, and moisture act as barriers to adhesion. A clean surface means better adhesion.

Application Techniques

Apply even pressure when placing the label on the plastic surface. Use a roller or squeegee to remove any air bubbles, which ensures that the adhesive forms a complete bond with the surface.

Environmental Control

Try controlling environmental conditions during and shortly after label application. Applying labels in a climate-controlled environment prevents issues related to temperature and humidity.

Innovative Solutions and Tools

Silicone-Based Adhesives

Silicone adhesives offer tremendous versatility and are ideal for situations that require labels to remain intact over a broad range of temperatures.

Heat and Pressure Application

Utilize heat and pressure to secure labels to plastic. Heat softens the glue, promoting a better bond, while pressure assists in spreading the adhesive uniformly.


Why Won’t My Labels Stick to Plastic?

Labels may not adhere due to insufficient adhesive, surface irregularities, or incorrect environmental conditions during application.

What is the Best Adhesive for Plastic Labels?

Pressure-sensitive or silicone-based adhesives are highly recommended for plastic surfaces.

Do Environmental Conditions Matter for Label Adhesion?

Yes, they do. Environmental factors like temperature and humidity play a significant role in the effectiveness of label adhesion.

For more information, you can visit Creating Labels in Word or explore Improving Label Stickiness.